Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Best practices for VMware vSphere 5

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

NSO-163 Brain dump

NCDA NSO-163 revision notes


Sysconfig –r shows disk raid groups

Sysconfig –v shows storage system disk firmware

Sysconfig –a shows storage systems ip information

Disk  –o hostname

Disk –s match disk id

Disk –n show unowned disks

Disk –v will list all disks

Disk –a any storage

Disk assign 0ad.2 fas2020 assigns the disk 0ad.2 to fas2020

Sync mirror

Cf giveback fails back over to th failed system once it is back up

Cf giveback –f forces the give back but terminates dumps, cifs sessions, parity checks raid reconstructions and raid scrubs

Cf forcegiveback will force a giveback but could cause loss of data use only as a last resort

Cf giveback will fail if ifconfig emulates failed filer

Halt –f will halt the filer without takeover

Cf takeover will takeover a filer

Cf forcetaker use this if the cf takeover fails

Sysconfig –v show disk shelf and ontap versions

Sync mirror – mirrors volumes and aggregates disk need to be evenly divided between the two plexes. Disk need to come from different pools. Needs the same number of disks in each pool. Disks are slected on bytes per sector then on disk size. If there is no equivalent size disk the filer will grab a larger disk and down size it.

Sysconfig –r will determine if the plexes are configured correctly (will show the plexes online normal

Aggr create aggr1 –m 6 will create a new mirrored aggregate

Sysconfig –r

Vol status –r

Aggr status –r

Vol create volx –m 6 will create a new mirrored volume

-n will preview the output and show what disks ontap has chosen

Fcal (fibre card slots) slots 1-7 pool 0 slots 8-11 pool 1

0a 0b pool0 0c 0d pool 1

Sync mirror needs to be licensed on both hosts

Split mirror command will split the mirrored volumes creating 2 new unmirrored volumes

Aggr split aggr1\plexname aggr_split

Vol split vol1\plexname aggr1_split

Mirror needs to be online operational before you do the split

To resync the mirror

Vol mirror vol1 –v vol2 sure yes

Sysconfig –r checks spare disks are in the correct pools

Stretched metro cluster

Fabric attached metro cluster can be up to 30km apart

Stretch metro cluster license needs cluster cluster_remote syncmirror_local needs 6.4.2 or higher

Max stretch cluster 500m with om3 cables 300m with fc cables all 2gb

270m om3 cables at 4gb

Fabric metro cluster max 100km 2gb

With 4gb 55km

Fabric have 2 banks a 4 quadrants in each fibre switch if host is plugged into bank 1 it owns disks plugged into bank 2

Remote plexes use disk pool 1

Hardware needed for syncmirror disks shelves, adapters cabling

Cluster config checker will check license mismatch options mismatch incorrect network ontap version mismatch cf-config-checker-cgi


WAFL overhead 10% (Write Anywhere File Layout)

Default vol snap reserve 20%

Default aggregate reserve 5%

Vol options vol0 nosnapdir on will deny access to snapshots to users

Options nfs.hide_snapshot on will hide the snapshots in an nfs volume

Options cifs.show_snapshot off will hide cifs shares to users

Vol status verify a volume is online

Snap list vol0 – lists all snapshots on vol0

Snap restore –t file /vol/vol0 –s vol0_snap /vol/vol0 – will restore file to vol0 from snapshot vol0_snap

Snap restore –r  will change the destination directory

Snapmirror volume restore can do source volumes but cannot do destination volumes

Run df on destination to check data size

Snapshot copies

Snapshot copies are a point in time copy of a volume or aggregate and read only

255 snap shot copies

Snap default schedule vol0: 0 2 6 @ 8, 12, 16, 20

Default snap reserve is 20%

To check snap shot rate of change use the snap delta command - snap delta vol0

Allow cifs snap access – options cifs.show_snapshots on

Df –h shows snap reserve

Snap sched vol0 0 0 0 no snap sched

Vol options vol0 nosnap on disables snap schedule

Snap create

Snap delete

Snap delete –a will delete all snaps in that volume


Use snaprestore if files are virus infected need to revert to a software baseline, need to restore 300mb of data and only have 10mb spare.

Snaprestore does not restore snapshot schedules, volume options, raid group size, max files per volume

To restore a file use the following command snaprestore –t file –s vol0_snap /vol/newvol

Cannot reverse a snaprestore


It is recommended not to change the visibility_interval the default is 3 seconds.

Edit snapmirror.conf file to change mirror from async to sync or semi-sync

Vol0 fas2020:vol0 – sync (sync mirror)

Vol fas2020:vol0 – semi-sync (semi-sync mirror)

Vol fas2020:vol0 fas2021 – 0-55/5 (async)

Changes to the snamirror.comf file on the destination will disrupt the mirror and fail.

Options snapmirror.log.enable on will enable snapmirror logging

/etc/logs/snapmirror stores the snapmirror logs on the source root volume

Fas1:vol1 fas2:vol2 – 0-55/5 * * * this is an async schedule not supported for sync or semi-sync

Fas1:vol1 fas2:vol2 semi-sync

Snapmirror initialize –L to convert the destination volume into a snaplock volume

When visibility_interval is reached a snap is automatically taken

Snapmirror initialize –s source vol dest vol – starts mirror transfer

Snapmirror status –l shows the status of the mirror

Snapmirror rsync –s dest vol source vol – will re-sync the mirror overwriting dest vol

Snap mirror break vol0

Snap mirror quiesce vol0

Snap mirror break

Snap mirror resync vol0 (after break)

Snap mirror release vol0 (Permanent break)

Snapmirror limitations

Update will fail when limit is reached each transfer beyond their limit will retry every minute

Destination Snapmirror commands

Snapmirror initialize

Vol restrict dest vol

Snapmirror break

Snapmirror resync

Snapmirror update

Source snapmirror commands

Snapmirror break

Snapmirror resync

Snapmirror status

Options snapmirror.access on

Throttling network

Per transfer change the kbs in snapmirror.conf

Dynamic throttling lets you change the kbs rate whilst the mirror is active snapmirror throttle 10kbs dest host dest vol

System wide throttling

Options replication.throttle.enable on enables system wide throttling

Options replication.throttle.incoming.max_kbs

Options replication.throttle.outgoing.max_kbs

2ms RTT for sync

5ms RTT for semi-sync

Volume Snap mirror

One snapmirror license is required for source and destination, sync and semi-sync require an additional license snapmirror_sync

It can only replicate the same type volumes Traditional to traditional or Flex volumes to Flex volumes. Destination and source need to have the same version of ontap. Destination volume needs to be the same size or larger than the source volume.

Volume snap mirror supports Async, sync and semi-sync

Can be initialized through a tape device

Source volume is online and writable Destination volume is read only

Baseline transfer is started by creating a non root restricted volume on the destination.

All data in the snap shot copies is replicated down to the destination

Schedules updates the mirror current snapshot is compared with the previous snapshot.  

Qtree Snapmirror

Qtree snapmirrors can do replications from traditional volumes to flexible volumes. And the source and destination

Supports async only, destination must have 5% extra space, Destination qtree cannot be /etc, Deep directory structure and large number of small files may impact performance.

Snap mirror optimization

Try to stagger update schedule

Snap mirror uses available cpu cycles

100% cpu utilisation does not mean that the system performance is degraded

You can monitor cpu using operations manager perf advisor and sysstat

Snapmirror may conflict with other processes and may impact response times reduce this by:

Using flexshare for the system

Schedule snap mirror for when nfs and cifs traffic is low

Reduce update frequency

Update controller

Network distance causes latency

Limit bandwidth using throttling (options replication.throttle.enable)

Use dedicated network for snapmirror

Use multi pathing for load balancing

Look for network prblems


Basic unit for snapvault is the qtree

Increase concurrent transfers by installing nearstore on the destination

The intial transfer will setup the relation between the source and destination

Open tcp ports 10000 and 10566

With ontap 7.3 you can install the sv_ontap_pri and sv_ontap_sec on the same system

To start a snapvault incremental restore – snapvault restore –r –s

Snapvault update – can only be run on the destination system

Snapvault uses retention periods to expire worm snapshots

Snapvault status –c (show qtree config parameters)

Snapvault log files are located /etc/logs/snapmirror

Snap vault start –r

Open Systems Snap Vault

The directory is the basic unit for ossv

To install open systems snapvault post check use svinstallcheck to install use

Snapvault snaps for snaplock vol are not auto deleted according to retention schedule

OOSV backups are only schedueled on the secondary system.

Snapvault restore –s will restore a vm with config files.


2 types of snaplock snaplock compliance and snaplock enterprise (for self regulated requirements)

You can delete snaplock enterprise volumes with unexpired WORM (Write Once Read Many)

Protection Manager

Protection manager and provisioning manager run I nthe netapp management console

Protection manager uses the same database as operations manager

NCIE Revision notes

NCIE Revision notes


ISCSI security show – will show the current chap security settings

Igroups are mapped to portsets

Iscsi security show command shows current chap settings

Command to show iscsi digests enabled (iscsi session show –v)

To support an iscsi multipath config you need to have 2 vmkernels

Vlans are recommended for iscsi and nfs and cifs traffic

Command to check if interface is enabled for iscsi – iscsi interface show

Iscsi interface show shows interfaces enabled for iscsi


E_Port = Inter Switch link

L_Port is a fc hub to a fc switch


Show version – tells you the firmware version on cisco switch

Show zoneset – will show the zone config information

The Web Tools GUI is used to manage CISCO MDS servers

Show zone active will show the active zone on a cisco switch

Showversion on a ciso switch will tell you firmware versions and other information

Cisco switch – show firmware (Shows the firmware of a cisco switch)

Show cisco switch zone config (show zoneset)


Fabricshow on a brocade fc switch will show you what devices are connected to the fabric

Web tools manages brocade switches

Supportshow will show diags on a brocade switch

Brocade fabricshow

Brocade supportshow


Netapp recommends wwpn zoning


Single_image clusters are only supported with Ontap 7.1 and up.

An FCP license is needed for Snapdrive

Hard Zoning is done at the ASIC level

Cfgshow displays the config on a cisco switch

Fcp stat –I 5

Having a single_image cfmode will increase the amount paths to a lun and will also change the wwpn on a host (As they share a wwpn)

HBYAnywhere is used to find information about emulux HBA’s

Standby mode is only supported by windows and solaris hosts

Highly available fc switch config (2 fc switches minimum)

Highly available switch config (2 hba’s minimum)

Fcp connectivity diagram port targets in it, targets, fc switch ports, wwn’s, hosts wwn’s

Advantage of software zoning is that you can plug a cable anywhere in the switch and is the same between vendors

Current 4gb fibre channel switch and want to upgrade to 8gb just need to upgrade the 4gb switches to 8gb

Fas6030 and 6070 have 8 x 2gb onboard fc ports

Fas6040 and 6080 have 8 x 4gb onboard fc ports


An FCP license is needed for Snapdrive

31.5Mb is the smallest lun that can be created using Snapdrive

Fcp license needed for Snapdrive

Best practice for Snapdrive is to create a user account with admin privileges



Boot volumes need persistant bindings

Sanlun show –p will show you on a solaris machine how many paths are available

Lun stats –I 5 will show you the throughput of a netapp lun

To share the same lun between hosts you need a host based clustered file system like VMFS

31.5Mb is the smallest lun that can be created using Snapdrive

Igroups are mapped to portsets

Solaris error messages are logged in the following location /var/adm/messages

There is no difference between an fc lun and an iscsi lun

Copy on write – 1 read 2 writes

Lun stats –I 5

Portsets bound to igroups

DSM for windows controls fc and iscsi paths at the same time


Show zone set active

With an existing emc setup check the lun layout

Things to document with an existing netapp setup

  • Snapshot config
  • Protocols in use
  • Igroups being used
  • Disk ownership settings

Which doc would show the cab diagram (cabinet diagram)

100gb lun

10% data change a day

Snap every night

7 snaps

10% of 100gb = 10gb x 7 = 70gb

100% fractional reserve = 100gb

100gb lun = 100gb + fractional reserve  + 70gb = 270gb

Fractional reserve = 0%

Snap reserve = 0%

3 x 100gb luns

No snaps

3 x 100gb = 300gb

Gurantee = volume

3 x 100gb luns = 300gb

50% fractional reserve = 150gb

2 snaps per week keep 2 weeks

10% data change = 30gb x 2 = 60gb x 2 = 120gb

300gb + 150gb + 120gb = 570gb

The native gui to manage brocade switches is web tools

The best way to test a storage failover is to perform a storage takeover on each controller

RDM’s can be used with NPIV

Tools to show  wwn;s and wwpn’s – sanlun fcp show adapter, esxcfg-info

When using dsm diable alua on igroups

Storage type plugins – VM_stap_ALUA, MVW_SATP_Default_AA

Fc supported hop count

Brocade 6

Cisco 5

McData 3

Qlogic 4

With aix to discover newly created luns use – cfgmgr

Lesdev verify hdisk mpio

Lsattr info about setup

Sanlun lun show –p info about setup

DSM Device specific module

TimeOutValue = how long i/o requests are held at iscsi layer before time out

Request windows hot fixes from the microsft website

Snapdrive needs to be installed before DSM


Disable Microsoft mpio if Snapdrive mpio is enabled

Host utilities kit must be enabled in a cluster

Initiator node names cannot have _ in the name

DSM set path verify enabled set to 0

Qlogic host bus adapterLinkDownTimeOut set to 5

MaxRequestHoldTime = time the initiator retries failed i/o requests when a path to a target is lost

Initiator – disk shelf, host

Target – tape drive, netapp controller

You would find an initiator on an esx host

LUN ID is not a HBA characteristic

SCSI command is encapsulated into FC, ISCSI and FCoE protocols.

Target is connected via onboard fc ports and add in target HBA cards

Lun masking = igroups

Isns provides a list of target initiators

Sessions are related to target portal groups connections are related to interfaces

Lun show –m shows lun maps to igroups

Lossless Ethernet DCB data center bridging alias CEE converged enhanced Ethernet

FCoE includes pfc priority based flow control, ETS Enhanced Transmission Selection, CN Congestion Notification.

802.1Qbb (PFC)

8021Qaz (ETS)

802.1Qau (CN)

FCoE card is called a UTA Unified Target Adapter

OM-3 multimode 62.5 micron fc cables with SFP connectors

DSM controllers fc & Iscsi

Layer 1 of ISO stack = Physical Layer

Jumbo frames can increase performance at 1gb but essential for 10Gb

Switching functions are at the layer 2 level

You can have nics at different speed in a VIF

Switching functions are at layer 2

Training for Exam NS0-501:

Training for Exam NSO-510:

Training for Exam NSO-520:

Training for Exam NSO-530:

volume snapmirror to qtree destination

To create a volume snapmirror to a qtree destination use the following command

snapmirror initialize -S source filer:/vol/vol name/- dest filer:/vol/vol name/qtree name 0 * * *